4 Celebrities & Famous People With Scoliosis - They did it!

famous people with scoliosis

People sharing their scoliosis stories means sharing the good and the bad. Famous people, in particular, can help shape public awareness because of their unique status, and particularly for young people recently diagnosed, it can be helpful to hear that success can still be within reach, despite living with an unnaturally-curved spine.

It’s important to highlight famous/successful people with scoliosis; they show how people don’t just survive scoliosis, but can thrive with it. From athletes like Usain Bolt to famous actors like Laura Dern, scoliosis doesn’t have to limit a person’s life, especially when proactive treatment is applied.

While scoliosis has been around since ancient times, there is still a lot of misinformation out there, so before getting to specific famous people with scoliosis, let’s first touch on a few important condition characteristics.

Understanding Scoliosis and its Prevalence

not-only-do-famous-people-400There are a number of spinal conditions a person can develop that involve a loss of its healthy curves, and scoliosis is a highly-prevalent structural spinal condition; current estimates report between 6 and 9 million people living with scoliosis in the United States alone: 2 to 3 percent of the population.

Scoliosis is the leading spinal condition amongst school-aged children, so in light of its prevalence, there are likely many celebrities & famous people living with scoliosis whose stories can help educate and inspire.

Scoliosis involves the development of an unnatural sideways spinal curve, with rotation and a minimum Cobb angle measurement of 10 degrees.

It’s the rotational element that makes scoliosis a 3-dimensional condition as the spine doesn’t just have an unnatural sideways spinal curve but also twists.

A patient’s Cobb angle is determined during X-ray, tells me how far out of alignment a scoliotic spine is and classifies conditions as mild, moderate, severe, or very severe.

The more severe a condition and the more rotation there is, the more likely it is to cause noticeable symptoms like postural deviation and pain.

A key condition characteristic is its progressive nature; where scoliosis is at the time of diagnosis is not indicative of where it will stay.

In addition, there are many different types of scoliosis, with the most common being adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 18, but the condition affects all ages.

Part of the reason I enjoy discussing famous people with scoliosis so much is that it shows, particularly to young patients freshly diagnosed, that scoliosis doesn’t have to control or limit a person's life, and this gives patients hope: a topic near and dear to my heart.

Scoliosis Hope

When I wrote Scoliosis Hope in 2019, it was with the ultimate goal of rewriting the narrative around a complex condition that’s often misunderstood.

I also wanted to spread awareness about the different treatment options available as there is a big difference between traditional treatment and modern conservative treatment; each offers patients a very different potential outcome.

With being progressive and incurable, many assume a scoliosis diagnosis is some kind of sentence, and what I’d like to share with the world is that living with scoliosis doesn't have to be that way. If dealt with proactively, scoliosis doesn’t have to limit a person’s life, and while certain activities might have to be approached with caution and/or first cleared by a patient’s treatment provider, there are many examples of people who are thriving, despite having scoliosis.

Of course, as mentioned, there are different severity levels, so what one person experiences in terms of severity and symptoms aren’t indicative of what others will face, but in most cases, scoliosis is highly treatable.

So now that we’ve addressed some key condition characteristics and the motivation behind writing Scoliosis Hope, let’s take a look at some examples of success achieved while having scoliosis.

Famous People With Scoliosis

Celebrities & Famous People with Scoliosis

With such a highly-prevalent spinal condition, there are bound to be a number of famous and successful people that many follow, who’ve achieved their success while having scoliosis.

Not only do famous people have the ability to bring certain issues, diseases, and conditions into the limelight, they can inspire with stories of diversity and hope.

From world-famous athletes to actors and models, there is no shortage of hope around, so let’s start with one of my favorites, Usain Bolt, because not only is this person famous, but he achieved his fame in an Olympic sport that depends on strength and speed: two qualities many would assume people with scoliosis don’t have.

Usain Bolt: The World’s Fastest Man

While most have heard the name Usain Bolt, many would be surprised to learn that the world’s fastest man was born with congenital scoliosis that made his right leg .5” shorter than his left: caused by the uneven forces, the condition introduces to the body.

In addition to postural deviation, a disruption to the body’s overall symmetry can also affect a person’s gait, balance, and coordination.

Despite the asymmetry of having one leg shorter than the other, Bolt was not only able to adjust his stride to compensate for this but was able to excel and earn his title as the world’s fastest man.

Particularly for adolescents whose lives revolve around sports, a diagnosis of scoliosis can be especially disruptive to daily life, not to mention future goals, and stories like that of Usain Bolt can help patients with hope and the motivation to keep moving forward.

Chloë Sevigny: Famous Actor and Fashion Icon

sevigny-is-open-about-400Chloë Sevigny is a famous actor, model, and fashion icon, and despite being diagnosed with scoliosis as a child, her condition didn’t slow her down.

Sevigny didn’t receive treatment during her adolescence and has since committed to an intense course of exercise and yoga to help manage her condition, but had she received treatment during adolescence, the reality is that her scoliosis would likely not have progressed as far. Hence, the importance of starting proactive treatment as close to the time of diagnosis as possible.

Sevigny is open about the psychological weight of living with scoliosis and the hyper-awareness of looking different.

While many who have watched her films wouldn’t know she has scoliosis, she talks about how when she sees herself on screen, that’s all she sees, so Sevigny is a good example of how our own insecurities regarding how a condition makes us look can be more pressing than the condition’s actual visual effects.

Kurt Cobain: Famous Singer and Musician

Kurt Cobain was a famous musician and lead singer of the iconic band Nirvana.

Cobain has shared how his scoliosis inspired his music and put him in touch with his darker side as his condition progressed and became more painful, having not proactively treated it in his youth.

When Cobain was first diagnosed as an adolescent in junior high, he didn’t receive treatment and made the common mistake of leaving the condition alone while mild and asymptomatic; as a progressive condition, even mild scoliosis can easily progress to moderate, severe, or very severe over time, if left untreated.

Particularly for Cobain, a musician, his scoliosis could have been progressing faster than most because, as he describes, the constant weight of his guitar and the way its weight was distributed across his trunk unevenly exacerbated the condition’s effects.

Despite having a number of challenges, Cobain was able to turn his pain into art through his music and shared how regular visits to a chiropractor helped him manage his condition and related discomfort.

While Cobain didn’t lead a long life due to unrelated struggles with mental illness, in life, despite having scoliosis, he became one of the most iconic musicians/singers of all time and provide a positive example of how someone can turn a challenge into art for others to appreciate and enjoy.

Laura Dern: Famous Actor, Film Director, and Producer

Famous actor, director, and producer, Laura Dern, is best known for her role in the Jurassic Park movies, but she has appeared in more than 50 movies and television shows.

Dern was diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of nine, at which time she was told she would have to live in a brace, from her neck to her hips, for the next five years; this was unacceptable to Laura’s mother, who turned out to be her daughter’s best advocate.

Despite that traditional recommendation, Laura and her mother committed to a conservative course of treatment that didn’t involve bracing full-time for years and didn’t involve surgery.

After nine months of conservatively working on her scoliosis, Laura and her mother returned to the orthopedic surgeon for a check-up/assessment. Before even getting a new X-ray done, they were told the same thing: Laura needed to get into a brace as soon as possible.

Laura’s mother promised the surgeon that if new X-rays indicated that, she would do it, and to the surgeon’s shock, scoliosis, as seen on the recent X-ray, had been successfully reduced, despite Laura having grown significantly in the interim (the main trigger for scoliosis progression).

Laura’s spine wasn’t perfect, but her scoliosis went from being pronounced to barely noticeable nine months later.

With regular monitoring, chiropractic care, and the prescription of scoliosis-specific home exercises, Laura managed her condition and became a world-famous actor, director, and producer.

Can Chiropractors Treat Scoliosis?


It’s no secret: life can be hard. For people living with a progressive spinal condition like scoliosis, it can add another layer of challenge, but in most cases, scoliosis is highly treatable, particularly if addressed proactively.

There is no shortage of examples of celebrities & famous people with scoliosis, and I find that many of my patients, particularly my adolescents who worry about what the future holds, benefit from hearing scoliosis success stories.

From Usain Bolt to Laura Dern, famous people have to deal with health challenges just like regular people and show that how a person responds and chooses to treat their condition is key to the quality of life.

Here at the Scoliosis Reduction Center, Dr. Nalda believes in the merits of proactive treatment started as close to the time of diagnosis as possible; this helps work towards reducing scoliosis on a structural level and increasing core strength, so the spine is optimally supported.

Through the integration of condition-specific chiropractic care, in-office therapy, corrective bracing, and custom-prescribed home scoliosis exercises, I can help patients prevent progression, increasing condition severity, escalating sym[toms, and the need for invasive treatment in the future.

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Dr. Tony Nalda
Severe migraines as a young teen introduced Dr. Nalda to chiropractic care. After experiencing life changing results, he set his sights on helping others who face debilitating illness through providing more natural approaches.

After receiving an undergraduate degree in psychology and his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life University, Dr. Nalda settled in Celebration, Florida and proceeded to build one of Central Florida’s most successful chiropractic clinics.

His experience with patients suffering from scoliosis, and the confusion and frustration they faced, led him to seek a specialty in scoliosis care. In 2006 he completed his Intensive Care Certification from CLEAR Institute, a leading scoliosis educational and certification center.

About Dr. Tony Nalda

Dr. Tony Nalda is the Founder of Scoliosis Reduction Center, a leading expert in chiropractic care & conservative scoliosis treatment. He has published 2 books, is a podcast host, a conference speaker.
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